Take a Seat

You are gonna love this before and after of my navy blue fabric dining chairs. They get dirty when the kids sit on them so having this small fabric/carpet cleaner around is super helpful to keep my house clean and these chairs always looking fresh. Click here to get your Bissel little green cleaner today.

No more folding

I don’t mind doing laundry its the folding that gets me overwhelmed. It just feels like a never ending task and when everything does get organized and folded into the draw, right away it gets unfolded when the kids are looking for their “favorite” shirt. This is why I love having storage cubes in their closest. No more folding the underwear just dump them in the cube. It also helps the kids when they are little and they can’t reach a dresser to be able to practice being independent by taking and putting away their own clothes. Click here to order

Easy clean up

I don’t know about you but when Im cleaning up my kids toys, if they get stuck under the couch I don’t bother getting them until its been a month and we decide to move the couch and clean up all the toys that got stuck underneath. I have always wanted to find something that we can put under the couch to block any toys from getting under but I could never find something that wasn’t so noticeable until a few weeks ago I found these clear toy blockers that go under the couch and wow it has changed our life. No more toys getting lost click on the link to help make clean up that much easier: Click here to Buy

come along with me

One of the things I love to do is help people make their lives a little easier. If I happen to find a great product that has been making my life easy there is nooo way I can keep it for myself, my greatest pleasure is sharing it with others. I wanted to use this blog as a way for me to share some of the products that I find (that I use on the daily) that can help others on their day to day life.